Saturday July 1 2023

Waking up at 11 a.m.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Transporting some gear over to the Shorehaven neighborhood where Modern Day Warrior will be playing later. It’s so very hot and I’m baking in the sun as I place amps and keyboards in their positions.


Then, at the warehouse for Broadway rehearsal. I’ve cleaned up everything in here – it’s all nice and ready for us to rehearse our show. I stay as long as I can until 4:30.



Megan rides with me to the gig. The band is already set up mostly. I’ve got Ian Janes here running sound so I don’t have to, which is a huge relief. It’s not as many people as it was last year but the band has a fun time. There was a lot of pressure on Anna to learn guitar parts – and I also had to pick up some slack as well as Megan. Still we managed to make a great show. The tip bucket is full!


Packing up and getting out of there. I drop Megan off. Then, organize all the gear back into place at Music Makers.


Back home. Eating some biscuits and playing with Elvis.

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