Thursday July 13 2023


Driving the bus over to the warehouse to link up with the ELO crew. We’ve got a couple shows in Ohio this weekend.


I haven’t slept yet so I crawl into the bottom bunk and attempt to nap through Bob’s driving and all the bumps that make you feel like your liver just popped out. It’s really, really hot in here. Our AC functions perfectly when idling but not when driving whatsoever. We’ve all got fans galore running and sweating profusely.


One Sheetz stop after another. At one in particular Bob cuts a corner at the pump a little too close to someone’s car and it nicks the side. As much as we love Bob he really doesn’t have spatial awareness with this bus (even without it towing the trailer).


At some point we make it to Lakeside, Ohio at a Quality Inn – right next to Lake Eerie. While Nigel finagles with the front desk to get us checked in I grab some ice cream from a shop next door and scope out the lake with Micah, Ed, and Casey. It’s a stunning body of water. Everyone is watching the sun set right next to a nuclear power plant. Meanwhile, a corgi peaks our interest.



Later on, I drive Ed, Casey, and I to a nice restaurant called JJ’s about 10 minutes out. It’s one of the only places open late and boy did we make the right choice. These plates are to die for along with these peach margaritas.


Back at the hotel – I sip on some green tea and sit on a white lawn chair overlooking Lake Eerie. The stars are bright and the water quietly ripples below the rocks. I can’t help but eavesdrop on the conversation between a guy and girl just nearby (they don’t know I’m even over here cause it’s so dark. He’s going on about how he used to do meth and coke back in the day.



The van/trailer arrives after 2 a.m. Rebecca was with this crew along with Mike, Ron, and Peter. I show Rebecca the stars and we catch up on the events of the day.


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