Tuesday July 25 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Running errands. Dismantling this heavy ass shelf at the storage unit.


Eggs. Kale. Biscuits. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Afterwards, talking with Rebecca in depth about ELO and other things. She’s been in a very pessimistic and hopeless state the past few weeks. I’ve found it really hard to help ring her out of it but most things involving the band are out of my control.


Black Beans, Brown Rice, Veggies, and Garlic Bread.

Watching They Cloned Tyrone (2023).


Back at the studio late at night trying to record some harmonies – mostly just tossing around ideas cause my voice seems to be going out.


Home. Playing with Elvis.

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