Friday August 18 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


At the Rec working out and exercising.


PB&J Bagel. Coffee.


Catching up on business.


My dad and his wife are in town. The two of them link up with me at the house – playing with Elvis. Then, at Music Makers I help get these band guys set up in the 104 space – they’re all veterinarian eye doctors from out of town reuniting.


Then, my dad, his wife, Rebecca, and I go out for dinner at Bubba’s Seafood off Shore Drive. Enjoying the view of the marina with all the boats passing by while we clobber down crab cakes and oysters.


Grabbing some gelato at Gelati Celesti afterwards.


Practicing bass.


Going for a late night bike ride.

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