Friday August 25 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Doing some business.


At the Rec exercising.


Eggs. Bagel. Chard. Coffee.


Suddenly, Gabe messages me about a last minute slot for Ladada to play the East Coast Surf stage tonight. Somehow we manage to get Bobby to commit but Wes is stuck working. It’s great cause our friends in Berries and Community Witch are already playing as well. I ride my bike there with book bag and bass strapped on my back.



There, it’s just a big party. They’ve got a pool dug out right on the beach with all kinds of drink vendors and Coastal Edge. Meanwhile, Gabe is organizing things back stage. Edwin happens to be running sound. Weird gig but a good time! It’s nice hanging out with the Berries crew – both of these bands are like our sibling bands.


I walk Bobby to his car – we recap the show and talk about some of the inner workings of the band.


Later on, I ride up the boardwalk and relax on a bench for a while catching up on footage. I observe an older couple standing in the middle of the boardwalk facing the beach holding each other for at least a whole 30 minutes. They never let go even after a gang of kids sped by on hoverboards and after two horse cops marched past. I don’t know why but it was a little inspirational to me. I won’t forget them. I’m left wondering what their story is.



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