Saturday August 19 2023

Waking up around noon.


Taking dad and his wife Patty to the VB Flea market over by Three Ships and 19th Street. We peruse around then grab some brunch at The Pink Dinghy – haven’t eaten here in forever. Always love the atmosphere.


Then, we drive over to the beach to link up with Rebecca and her friend. We walk around in the blazing hot sun but it’s not too overbearing.


Back at the house – I pull out some old picture boxes to show dad and Patty. We try to recreate a shot of me as a little boy lying on my dad’s lap.



Later on, I get ready and drive out to Norfolk. Ladada is headlining a show at Taphouse with Arms Bizarre and Feminine Death. We’ve kind of had a show hiatus this whole year – haven’t been very active. Besides the washed out sound on stage it translates well to the audience. This kind of place only really mics the kick drum and vocals. But my dad, his wife, and Rebecca make it out. Brittany was able to run a little merch for us too. Dave Allison joined us on stage for the “Act of Love” song. He rips it up on the mic.



Afterwards, we all hang out on the patio drinking and congregating. Josh McHugh and I get wrapped up in talking about our romantic existential crises – I help him navigate this text message convo with a girl we know.


Back home I crash on the couch.


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