Saturday August 5 2023


Waking up around 12:40 p.m.


Cereal. Tea.


At the Rec Center exercising and shooting the basketball around.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Coffee.

Watching Atlanta.


Meeting a guy out in Oceanview to buy these uniform containers. He’s got a thousand of these Rite Aid and Dollar General delivery containers stacked up in his backyard. The mosquitoes are biting me very liberally during the transaction.


Then at the practice space for Ladada – my plan was to vacuum the rugs in here, which haven’t been cleaned since I don’t know when. Meanwhile, Josiah texts me out of the blue saying him and Josh are gonna jam. So I inevitably join them – it turns out to be a productive Bamm Bamm practice.


James Graves links up with us and we venture to Torch Bistro near Smartmouth in the Chelsea District for dinner and drinks. A post birthday hang – James buys all my drinks.


Then, we migrate over to Taphouse down the street. Shannon and Aaron meet us here. Suddenly, Sasha Rigney walks in out of the blue and joins us with beers. I haven’t seen her in a long time.



At some point its last call. Josh has lost his phone – something he manages to do often. We all attempt to search with no luck.


Despite, some of our group decides to drive up to this hole in the wall dive bar called PJ’s 19th Hole, a very divey place that stays open till 6 a.m. There’s underwear strung up across the ceiling – the smell of cigarettes but not too overwhelming. Allyson and Rusty link up with us. We mostly stay gathered around the foosball table throwing in quarter after quarter. Sasha and I stay teamed up throughout the night. I’m over drinking you could say but it’s good to let loose every now and then.



I end up at Rusty’s apartment with Allyson. I sleep on his couch for the night.


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