Sunday August 27 2023


Waking up around noon.


Cereal. Tea.


At Music Makers putting things back together after the ballet class is done. Then, working on some business stuff at the front desk.


Running errands.


Eggs. Chard. Toast. Coffee.


Considering how nice of a day it is I take the basketball to the Lynnhaven Middle School courts and shoot around. A guy nearby wants to play one on one. Great exercise. He wins two and I win one.


Getting ready for a night out. I meet up with Aaron Lachman at this Model Citizen pop-up at Crudo Nudo. Newly acquainted friend, Brandice, invited me to check it out. Sasha is here too socializing with all her friends. Most of these people I don’t know. But Aaron and I have a little pow wow time catching up on things enjoying cocktails and amazing food.


Later on we migrate over to Taphouse – hanging out on the patio. Since I treated Aaron to cocktails he treats me with beer. Familiar faces crawl in and out of here. At the bar I notice Sasha walks in. I’m glad she showed up. We get into conversation sharing stories and talking about songwriting, Nashville (she’s supposed to move there soon), her love for The White Stripes, and eventually some boy issues. Someone she’s been dating the past three months was at the pop-up but was really dismissive with her all night. I can really see a sadness in her eyes amidst the alcoholic haze she’s in. I do really feel connected to her.



Well beyond last call and after everyone leaves we’re still sitting there. Parker, the bar tender has on some Adult Swim cartoons on the TV. As we get ready to leave Sasha realizes she can’t find her keys. We find them sitting in her driver’s seat with all the doors locked. She gets stressed out about the whole thing cause she just wants to go home. Honestly, probably a good thing this happened cause there’s no way I was letting her drive. I call up Aaron to help out cause he’s got AAA. Meanwhile, she’s adamant about walking to this guy’s house. I’m determined to stay by her side until she’s somewhere safe. We walk a little bit before I end up driving her down the street to dude’s apartment but he hasn’t responded to her calls or texts at all so I don’t see this going well. But she’s confident he’ll let her in. I leave her there cause AAA is now at her car. Aaron and I handle that – the guy pulls out all these tools and opens the door – keys retrieved! Then, I just had a gut feeling to drive back to that apartment. We find her passed out on the steps. Goodness. I scoop her into my car and we get her home. Fumbling with the keys I get her up to the 6th floor and make sure she’s good. A cute white cat with orange spots nuzzles on my legs. I pour her a cup of water from a Brita sitting on the counter.

“You deserve the best! Take it easy on yourself,” I tell her as we share a few hugs goodbye.


I drive Aaron back to his place. We talk about how crazy it is hitting our 40’s and just kind of being aware of how different things are now compared to where we saw our future selves. What an interesting night.

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