Saturday September 16 2023

Josh and I wake up on the couch at Nicolette’s place. Some of us have to get to work.


I bike out of there while Josh takes an Uber to deal with his potentially towed car from last night.


Getting into my bed to sleep another hour.


Cereal. Tea.


At Music Makers while Jake teaches a few lessons. I found him with his drum kit set up outside doing a lesson right there.


Stopping by the Trek to replace the pedals on my bike.


Home. Catching up on business.


Running errands – getting groceries.


Making Pasta for dinner.

Watching Atlanta.




At the studio practicing piano.

Friday September 15 2023


Waking up around 11:30 a.m.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


At the Rec working out.


Eggs. Vegan Breakfast Sausage. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee.


Running errands – picking up some pre-sale tickets from Sandler for the ELO show – stopping by the thrift store.


Biking to the oceanfront to catch a highly anticipated show at The Bunker. Deerhoof is playing with Community Witch and Curt Sydnor. I’ve never had the pleasure of witnessing the frenetic energy of Deerhoof live so it’s a treat for me tonight. And then CW opening makes it all that better.


Enjoying a Spicy Chicken Sandwich with Fries and lots of Sour Beers.



We all hang around after the show – migrating to Duck Dive over by 31st Street. It’s loud and dancey in there. With Shannon, Josh, Chris, Jordan, and other friends.


After last call we eventually migrate over to Nicolette’s apartment off S. Oriole. Her dog, Geno, is a gem of an animal. We all hang out drinking, eating canned oysters, looking at Jupiter in the night sky, and listening to music in the living room.


Josh and I end up crashing on the couch at some point.


Thursday September 14 2023


Waking up bright and early at 9:30 a.m.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


Rebecca and I head to the warehouse for an interview with WAVY TV 10. They’re doing a segment on the ELO band. We all get dressed up and pretend to rehearse with a few questions from Regina Mobley.



Later on, at Rebecca’s we’re both tired.


Catching up on business.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Grabbing Mr. Shawarma’s for dinner – a VB spot just opened up in Hilltop.


Then, Modern Day Warrior practice. I help get them geared up for the Sandler show.


Back home. Chilling out on the couch napping.


At some point I just get to bed.

Wednesday September 13 2024

Waking up around noon.


Cereal. Tea.


At the Rec working out.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

Jon Caparelli has been taking a few voice lessons with Rebecca. We get the chance to catch up cause we haven’t seen each other in years.


Making Pasta for dinner.

Watching Atlanta.


I walk over to Rebecca’s to catch up on a few things and visit with her cats – they’re really cute.


Taking a bike ride to the oceanfront and back.

Tuesday September 12 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


At the Rec exercising.


Getting groceries.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Vegan Breakfast Sausage. Coffee.


Teaching a few lessons.


Black Beans, Salad, Kale, Quinoa, and Garlic Bread.


Catching up on business.


At the studio practicing songs.


Monday September 11 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


At the Rec working out.


Eggs. Kale. English Muffin. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Salmon, Salad, and Five Guys French Fries.


At the warehouse doing an ELO rehearsal with Ron, Kevin, Nigel, and Rebecca – just running the set and dusting off the cobwebs.



Stressful talks afterwards about some band drama.


Ice Cream.


Catching up on business.

Sunday September 10 2023

Waking up super late after 1 p.m.


Cereal. Tea.


Catching up on everything.




Eggs. Salad. Bagel. Vegan Breakfast Sausage. Coffee.


Later on, meeting up with Ron and Nigel at Nigel’s house to have an ELO business meeting.


Black Beans with Kale, Veggies, Quinoa, and Garlic Bread.

Watching Champions (2023).


At the studio organizing things and practicing some songs.


Really craving some ice cream but no grocery store is open this late. I revert to 7-11.



Saturday September 9 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


At the Rec exercising a little.




Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Coffee.


Driving over to the VB Smartmouth for the Take Back The Beach event. I’m playing in Bamm Bamm with Josiah and Josh, along with Raise Hell Over the Summer, Hippie Love Party, and 95leo. It’s been raining all afternoon and continues to drizzle while I load in gear. There’s bubbles, people on roller skates, dogs, and plenty of pizza and beer to go around.


We didn’t get to finish the last three songs cause something weird happened to Josh’s foot – two of his toes went completely numb. He never wears shoes and he was using a different kick pedal. Rock and roll!



Later on, we gather a small crew to hang out at the infamous Banque. Brittany Mahig and her friend, Allyson, Rusty, and Lily. We make our way through the main dance hall – watching all the cowboy dancers on the bright lit stage – then into the back karaoke bar. Sipping on cheap overly sweet cocktails and beers – watching people go up and having a good time. I get up and do Float On. This one guy kept telling me, “Dude, you sound just like him!”


After last call we get kicked out – congregating outside by an empty bridal shop next to Big Lots while the parking lot lights flicker ominously. It’s fun hanging with Brittany – we never really do that. The plan was to get out to the afterhours bar PJ’s. But the bouncer wouldn’t let Brittany in cause she forgot her ID. No big deal – probably for the best. I drive us back to Hilltop and drop her off.


On my couch back home falling asleep.


Friday September 8 2023

Waking up at 11:30 a.m.


I have an appointment at the DMV to get antique plates for the truck. And I’ve never had a more quicker and streamlined visit here. I was in and out in maybe 5 minutes.


Riding my bike back and forth to Music Makers. Nigel finally got tickets for Modern Day Warrior to sell for The Sandler Center show.


PB&J Bagel. Coffee.


I’m here and there at the studio helping deal with Addy’s virtual lessons and a few of Willy’s in person guitar lessons.


Letting these nice reggae dudes into the warehouse to rent rehearsal time.


Bangkok Garden for dinner.


At Ringo’s for Bamm Bamm practice with Josh and Josiah – we run through the set and fine tune some of the new songs. Afterwards, I brought a basketball hoop to install, which creates a lot of entertainment.


We also get into some deep conversations about relationships and life.


Thursday September 7 2023

Waking up around noon from a memorable dream about seeing a giant clam in a beautiful scenic spot. I might’ve tried to open it up but struggled. There’s some symbolism regarding secret emotion.


Cereal. Tea.


Catching up on business.


Getting my haircut – organizing some things at Music Makers.


Eggs. Bagel. Spinach. Salt n Vinegar Chips. Coffee.

Watching Painkiller (2023).


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Helping Modern Day Warrior practice.


Black Beans, Bok Choy, Carrots, Quinoa, and Garlic Bread.


Catching up on business – playing with Elvis – chores.

Wednesday September 6 2023

Waking up at noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


At the Rec working out.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

Afterwards, catching up on business at the front desk. Meanwhile, Thomas is here putting on a new drum head. Rebecca talks shop with me.


Grabbing groceries.


Pasta, Salad, and Garlic Bread for dinner.

Watching Painkiller (2023).


At the studio practicing songs and writing.

Tuesday September 5 2023

Waking up at 11:45 a.m.


Cereal. Tea.


At the Rec working out – really starting to get into a more consistent routine now.


Eggs. Kale. English Muffin. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Grabbing groceries.


Ramen Noodle Dinner with Garlic Bread.

Watching Painkiller (2023).


Catching up on business.




Practicing music.



Monday September 4 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


It’s Labor Day. Nothing much different happening in my world. Catching up on scheduling and business.


Eggs. Bagel. Spinach. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Practicing songs on the guitar.


Dinner: Edamame with Rice, Veggies, and Garlic Bread.

Watching Zone 414 (2021).


Still feeling a little weird from last night. Struggling to understand the misunderstanding.


Finishing mixing down the Ladada harmonies – feels good to finally complete those.


I care too much and I try too hard.


Going for a late night bike ride to the oceanfront and back. Enjoying the beautiful night breeze and music.


Popcorn. Pineapple.

Sunday September 3 2023

Waking up next to Brandice – her dog Juniper consistently lies in every which-a-way anywhere on the bed. Kind of sleeping off and on.


Seeking out food we take a walk in the hot sun blessed by temporary shade as we pass under trees – watching people work on their garden and landscaping – kids drawing with street chalk.


Sitting up on the second floor of Yorgi’s enjoying some breakfast sandwiches. Familiar tunes keep coming on the overhead speakers – really good music. It’s a nice view from up here of the Norfolk streets. I’ve been really enjoying our conversations – we just seem so open to talk about most everything.


Continuing our jaunt down Colley. She retrieves her bike she had locked up somewhere. Then, we decide to check out Packed House, a new second hand shop that just opened up. There’s a really cool knitted picture of figure skaters that I can’t pass up.


At some point I end up back home. Cleaning up and catching up on things.




Pasta, Kale, and Garlic Bread for dinner.


At Ringo’s for Bamm Bamm practice with Josiah and Josh. We’re getting tighter on some of the new tunes we wrote.


After that, I decide to drive to Taphouse with hopes of sitting down to work on some computer stuff. And maybe I’d see some people there. But they’re closed I guess cause of labor day. On a whim I drive over to Brandice’s block – I texted her to see if she was home – just wanted to say hello but things got a bit weird. I park my car and just as I did I see her walking Juniper with a guy friend of hers. Later on, she explains that she wasn’t comfortable with anyone just showing up at 1 a.m. I’m a little baffled at first but I can understand how this appears. I really had no expectation here. I figured I just saw her earlier today and we hung out all last night. Maybe I got too comfortable? Either way, I apologize for the intrusion.


Back home sitting on the couch in my living. While Elvis curls up next to me I reflect.

Saturday September 2 2023

Waking up around 11:45 a.m.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


At Music Makers watching the front desk and tweaking some things while Jake teaches some afternoon lessons.


PB&J Bagel. Coffee.


Catching up on work at the computer.


At the studio organizing some things and practicing.


Edamame with Rice, Onions, Kale, and Carrots.


Driving out to Norfolk to hang. There was a show at Chicho’s that Josiah went to – I was gonna go but it’s too late to make that. Instead I end up at Taphouse. I hang out with Aaron and his new friend DeAndre at the bar – talking about how great the Motown playlist that we’re hearing is. Brandice and Jenni show up later on. Congregating on the patio over shots and beers – I stick to my newfound love SeaQuench Ale. Meeting another guy named Robert – we’re both stoked on this and buy each other drinks. With all this good music playing I’m feeling good – feeling super hazy and sloshy but wonderful.


Last call. Then, suddenly its 2 a.m. Obviously, not driving home. Brandice and I start to walk to her place. We pass a single scooter and decide it’ll be a good idea to take it tandem. These two guys from Chanello’s observe us struggle to balance on the thing.

“My girlfriend and I did it once. You can do it!” they encourage.

At some point we figure it out. She takes control of the handlebars. I hop on, wrap my arm around her, and we take off! I’m literally standing on one leg most of the way. All I can do is trust her as we bob and weave around tight turns cutting through the cool nighttime air.


At her apartment now. Jenni meets us here with chips and bean dip to share. Juniper, the dog, gives us plenty of entertainment in the kitchen. More music. More drinking. More animal love.


At some point Brandice and I end up lying down on the couch – friendly cuddling. Jenni leaves eventually.


We move upstairs to the bedroom and pass out on her king size bed. I don’t feel anything sexual at the moment and have no expectations for anything like that. So we cuddle some more then go to sleep.

Friday September 1 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


Catching up on business.


At the Rec working out.


Meeting with a couple of retired guys that will be renting out the 104 space. Then, running a few errands. Annoyed at the post office’s reputation for long lines.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee.




Running more errands – catching up on work at the studio.


Pasta and Salad for dinner.

Watching The Pope’s Exorcist (2023).


Back at the studio recording the last of some harmonies for Ladada songs.

