Friday September 15 2023


Waking up around 11:30 a.m.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


At the Rec working out.


Eggs. Vegan Breakfast Sausage. Spinach. Bagel. Coffee.


Running errands – picking up some pre-sale tickets from Sandler for the ELO show – stopping by the thrift store.


Biking to the oceanfront to catch a highly anticipated show at The Bunker. Deerhoof is playing with Community Witch and Curt Sydnor. I’ve never had the pleasure of witnessing the frenetic energy of Deerhoof live so it’s a treat for me tonight. And then CW opening makes it all that better.


Enjoying a Spicy Chicken Sandwich with Fries and lots of Sour Beers.



We all hang around after the show – migrating to Duck Dive over by 31st Street. It’s loud and dancey in there. With Shannon, Josh, Chris, Jordan, and other friends.


After last call we eventually migrate over to Nicolette’s apartment off S. Oriole. Her dog, Geno, is a gem of an animal. We all hang out drinking, eating canned oysters, looking at Jupiter in the night sky, and listening to music in the living room.


Josh and I end up crashing on the couch at some point.


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