Friday September 8 2023

Waking up at 11:30 a.m.


I have an appointment at the DMV to get antique plates for the truck. And I’ve never had a more quicker and streamlined visit here. I was in and out in maybe 5 minutes.


Riding my bike back and forth to Music Makers. Nigel finally got tickets for Modern Day Warrior to sell for The Sandler Center show.


PB&J Bagel. Coffee.


I’m here and there at the studio helping deal with Addy’s virtual lessons and a few of Willy’s in person guitar lessons.


Letting these nice reggae dudes into the warehouse to rent rehearsal time.


Bangkok Garden for dinner.


At Ringo’s for Bamm Bamm practice with Josh and Josiah – we run through the set and fine tune some of the new songs. Afterwards, I brought a basketball hoop to install, which creates a lot of entertainment.


We also get into some deep conversations about relationships and life.


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