Saturday September 2 2023

Waking up around 11:45 a.m.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


At Music Makers watching the front desk and tweaking some things while Jake teaches some afternoon lessons.


PB&J Bagel. Coffee.


Catching up on work at the computer.


At the studio organizing some things and practicing.


Edamame with Rice, Onions, Kale, and Carrots.


Driving out to Norfolk to hang. There was a show at Chicho’s that Josiah went to – I was gonna go but it’s too late to make that. Instead I end up at Taphouse. I hang out with Aaron and his new friend DeAndre at the bar – talking about how great the Motown playlist that we’re hearing is. Brandice and Jenni show up later on. Congregating on the patio over shots and beers – I stick to my newfound love SeaQuench Ale. Meeting another guy named Robert – we’re both stoked on this and buy each other drinks. With all this good music playing I’m feeling good – feeling super hazy and sloshy but wonderful.


Last call. Then, suddenly its 2 a.m. Obviously, not driving home. Brandice and I start to walk to her place. We pass a single scooter and decide it’ll be a good idea to take it tandem. These two guys from Chanello’s observe us struggle to balance on the thing.

“My girlfriend and I did it once. You can do it!” they encourage.

At some point we figure it out. She takes control of the handlebars. I hop on, wrap my arm around her, and we take off! I’m literally standing on one leg most of the way. All I can do is trust her as we bob and weave around tight turns cutting through the cool nighttime air.


At her apartment now. Jenni meets us here with chips and bean dip to share. Juniper, the dog, gives us plenty of entertainment in the kitchen. More music. More drinking. More animal love.


At some point Brandice and I end up lying down on the couch – friendly cuddling. Jenni leaves eventually.


We move upstairs to the bedroom and pass out on her king size bed. I don’t feel anything sexual at the moment and have no expectations for anything like that. So we cuddle some more then go to sleep.

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