Saturday September 23 2023

Waking up earlier than I’d like but today’s a big day!


At The Sandler Center loading in and setting up for the big show tonight.


Many stressful moments trying to figure out the best system to get Modern Day Warrior sound checked and all that. Leon isn’t getting in till later so we have to shuffle around what we’re doing. There’s a lot of anticipation for tonight it being a local show and all the promotion and advertising that went into it.


I’m literally running from one point to another dealing with all the little things – making sure the phone camera is set up – keyboard rig – making sure all the kids have their stuff in order.


Modern Day Warrior opens up the show with their “Separate Ways” banger – the house is full and really hype for them. I’m like a proud dad for this band. They really brought the energy and talent to the big stage.



Then, The American ELO gets up there and we do a pretty flawless performance. John Terrell really gave the live vocals a boost so it sounds great.



Doing the meet and greet out by merch. A lot of our people were here to see us. Signing autographs and taking pictures like rock stars.


Afterwards, getting everything packed up on the stage. Trailer is packed. I gather my things and leave. My aunt Pansy and Peter got stranded somehow outside the venue – her phone died and they couldn’t call an Uber. So I help get them home. Thankfully enjoying a slice of Pizza from nearby.


Getting rid of gear at the studio and clearing out the 104 space for ballet things tomorrow.


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