Saturday September 9 2023

Waking up around noon.


Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Blueberries, and Almond Milk. English Breakfast Tea.


At the Rec exercising a little.




Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Coffee.


Driving over to the VB Smartmouth for the Take Back The Beach event. I’m playing in Bamm Bamm with Josiah and Josh, along with Raise Hell Over the Summer, Hippie Love Party, and 95leo. It’s been raining all afternoon and continues to drizzle while I load in gear. There’s bubbles, people on roller skates, dogs, and plenty of pizza and beer to go around.


We didn’t get to finish the last three songs cause something weird happened to Josh’s foot – two of his toes went completely numb. He never wears shoes and he was using a different kick pedal. Rock and roll!



Later on, we gather a small crew to hang out at the infamous Banque. Brittany Mahig and her friend, Allyson, Rusty, and Lily. We make our way through the main dance hall – watching all the cowboy dancers on the bright lit stage – then into the back karaoke bar. Sipping on cheap overly sweet cocktails and beers – watching people go up and having a good time. I get up and do Float On. This one guy kept telling me, “Dude, you sound just like him!”


After last call we get kicked out – congregating outside by an empty bridal shop next to Big Lots while the parking lot lights flicker ominously. It’s fun hanging with Brittany – we never really do that. The plan was to get out to the afterhours bar PJ’s. But the bouncer wouldn’t let Brittany in cause she forgot her ID. No big deal – probably for the best. I drive us back to Hilltop and drop her off.


On my couch back home falling asleep.


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