Sunday September 3 2023

Waking up next to Brandice – her dog Juniper consistently lies in every which-a-way anywhere on the bed. Kind of sleeping off and on.


Seeking out food we take a walk in the hot sun blessed by temporary shade as we pass under trees – watching people work on their garden and landscaping – kids drawing with street chalk.


Sitting up on the second floor of Yorgi’s enjoying some breakfast sandwiches. Familiar tunes keep coming on the overhead speakers – really good music. It’s a nice view from up here of the Norfolk streets. I’ve been really enjoying our conversations – we just seem so open to talk about most everything.


Continuing our jaunt down Colley. She retrieves her bike she had locked up somewhere. Then, we decide to check out Packed House, a new second hand shop that just opened up. There’s a really cool knitted picture of figure skaters that I can’t pass up.


At some point I end up back home. Cleaning up and catching up on things.




Pasta, Kale, and Garlic Bread for dinner.


At Ringo’s for Bamm Bamm practice with Josiah and Josh. We’re getting tighter on some of the new tunes we wrote.


After that, I decide to drive to Taphouse with hopes of sitting down to work on some computer stuff. And maybe I’d see some people there. But they’re closed I guess cause of labor day. On a whim I drive over to Brandice’s block – I texted her to see if she was home – just wanted to say hello but things got a bit weird. I park my car and just as I did I see her walking Juniper with a guy friend of hers. Later on, she explains that she wasn’t comfortable with anyone just showing up at 1 a.m. I’m a little baffled at first but I can understand how this appears. I really had no expectation here. I figured I just saw her earlier today and we hung out all last night. Maybe I got too comfortable? Either way, I apologize for the intrusion.


Back home sitting on the couch in my living. While Elvis curls up next to me I reflect.

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