I’m protecting a snail-like frog. My mission is to get it
safely somewhere – discovering a fully blown ecosystem pond with little
crevices where hermit crabs and lobsters stay hidden and cooped up. I place my
creature onto a lily pad – it turns out to be two frogs as the littler one hops
off the big one into the water.
Later on, people show up that I know – it’s understood I
work with them. It’s also understood to be the end of the world, or something
apocalyptic is about to happen. I start brooding and try to escape the sight of
others – feeling angry I throw my fist into a wood door nearby.
Myah, one of my students is here for some reason – Brittany,
teacher at Music Makers, appears out of nowhere inspecting for any suspicious
behavior but discovers nothing. Then, she takes blood from Myah as if she was a
Now, Myah is driving us on the interstate – it feels like
everyone on the road is evacuating the city. We witness a truck attached to a
trailer (it’s completely backwards) – it disconnects and flips upside down. It
causes a backup of traffic. Suddenly, everyone just gets out and sits on lawn
chairs deciding to hang out and watch the world end. We’re still trying to move
forward somewhere past all this nonsense.
Waking up at 11:35 a.m. from these vivid dreams.
Granola with Blueberries and Banana. Tea.
Staying at the computer working on business and things.
Eggs. Bagels. Spinach. Tempeh Bacon. Coffee. Avocado.
Teaching lessons at Music Makers.
Afterwards, we have a business meeting with Addy, Rebecca,
and I. Drumming up some new ideas to raise rates and come up with new ways to
protect our teachers from cancelations. We talk for hours. I appreciate the two
of them putting heads together and helping push things forward with the
Pasta, Salad, and Garlic Bread.
Watching True