Thursday February 29 2024

Waking up at 11:34 a.m.


Oatmeal. Tea.


Working on stuff at the computer.


Running errands.


Eggs. Tempeh Bacon. Kale. Bagel. Chips. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Black Beans with Quinoa, Salad, and Garlic Bread.


At Ringo’s for Ladada practice with Josiah, Wes, and Bobby. We really ignite the jams tonight but the vibe is more mellow.



Wednesday February 28 2024

Waking up at 11:25 a.m.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


Hauling the trailer to Superior Trailer for them to have and do a look over. Then, I investigate some truck repair shops that are willing to do mechanical work on our bus. Meanwhile, I’m driving around while on the phone with Nigel and Nancy.


At the studio doing some scheduling for Addy cause she’s sick today.


Eggs. Kale. English Muffins. Vegan Breakfast Sausage. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Afterwards, I catch up on work at the front desk. Then, Rebecca and I discuss business and other things – we also talk fun things. As we’re walking out the door trying to avoid the rain downpour I gently put my hands on her arms and say, “Just a reminder that I still like you.”

She smiles, “That’s good to know!”


Later on via text I add, “To see your genuine smile and you being genuinely happy really brightens my day and warms my heart.”

Dinner: Pasta with Tuna, Broccoli, and Garlic Bread.

Watching House of Gucci (2021).


Catching up on business.

Tuesday February 27 2024

Waking up around 11:30 a.m.


Oatmeal. Tea.


Working on stuff at the computer.


Running errands. Picking up my piano from Alpha – grabbing groceries.


Eggs. Spinach. Tempeh Bacon. English Muffins. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.

Afterwards, I stay at the front desk working on a few things. Meanwhile, after Rebecca finishes teaching Garrett, she talks with me about work stuff. But somehow we get into a cathartic discussion about past misunderstandings dealing with Broadway and such. It’s a bit stressful but we come to some understandings.


I always have your back. I’m not gonna be perfect but you can trust me.


Pasta, Salad, and Garlic Bread for dinner.

Watching House of Gucci (2021).

Monday February 26 2024

Waking up around 11:30 a.m.


Cereal. Tea.


Staying home and working on all kinds of scheduling for the studio – emails – texts.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Tempeh Bacon. Avocado. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Afterwards, I help Brittany Mahig get a piano moved for her friend. She rides with me in the truck hauling the trailer. Jimmy and Shannon (friend of theirs) caravans to some house out in Chesapeake. On the drive there and back to Shannon’s house in Great Neck, Brittany and I talk about the psychology of men and woman – I also divulge into some things about Rebecca.



We successfully get the piano into Shannon’s house with a little trouble pushing it up the driveway.


Random observation while driving on the interstate: a billboard that says “Cultivate Optimism”.


Back home after dropping the trailer off at the warehouse. It’s almost after midnight and I’m making dinner for myself.

Tuna with Lentils, Rice, Baby Broccoli, Carrots, and Garlic Bread.

Finishing the 4th season of True Detective.


Chores and relaxing.

Sunday February 25 2024

Waking up around 11:30 a.m. with Elvis stretched out by my side.


Oatmeal. Tea.


At Music Makers coaching 3 band rehearsals with Jake and Rebecca’s help.

PB&J and Coffee.


Everything goes pretty well and without too much stress.


Afterwards, cleaning up. Then, Rebecca and I grab some dinner at Pelon’s at the oceanfront. She tries churros for the first time – even though it’s difficult to order stuff without onion for her we enjoy the food.


Later on in the conversation I build up the courage to say it, “Okay I have a confession to make...I think I’m in love with you.” It feels good to get that off my chest – we dive into some more epiphanies about our unique relationship over the past two years – the undefined complexity of it.


Sitting in my car in front of the house we shiver while I divulge more. Eventually, I hang out at her place – her cats fully entertaining us – but talking more about the things I’ve been feeling and have developed new perspectives on. She doesn’t exactly reciprocate the feelings. But it doesn’t mean there can’t be hope. More importantly, we’re both mature enough to still be friends and coworkers amidst things of this nature.


Back home. Taking care of chores and such. Snacking hard.

Saturday February 24 2024

Waking up super rested at 11 a.m.


Breakfast Bar. Blueberries. Tea.


At Music Makers all afternoon watching the front desk – dealing with scheduling things and recording payments. One of Jake’s new students is an adult tap dancer that wants to start learning drums – having some interesting conversations with him – I let him practice next door for a while too. Chatting with Elizabeth, the mom of Harry, about theatre and Lord of the Rings.


Vacuuming and cleaning.


Back home.

Eggs. Spinach. Tomato Soup. English Muffins. Coffee.

Watching True Detective.




Back at the studio – letting Thomas in to set up his drum kit – meanwhile, I’m over here at the 104 space rearranging and cleaning.


Dinner: Salmon with Lentils, Baby Broccoli, Carrots, Rice, and Garlic Bread.



Later on, I visit with Rebecca – playing with her cats and catching up on each other’s day.

Friday February 23 2024

Waking up around 11:30 a.m. feeling well rested. Still a little sick but manageable.


Oatmeal. Tea.


Catching up on stuff at the computer.




Running errands. Packing up some gear.



Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Tomato Soup. Tempeh Bacon. Coffee.

Watching True Detective.


At the studio putting gear into the car – meanwhile, there’s a ton of students coming in and out. When Rebecca’s done teaching she rides along with me...


We drive out to the Operation Smile event that Modern Day Warrior is playing tonight. The whole thing is inside a gymnasium – some other band is playing when we walk in. I help get the MDW kids set up. They do all the hits and sound amazing.


Transporting gear back to the studio and putting things away.


White Bean Chili with Salad and Garlic Bread.


Thursday February 22 2024

Waking up around 11:30 a.m. Been feeling a little under the weather with a runny nose.


Oatmeal. Tea.


Catching up on business at the computer.


At the warehouse troubleshooting the sound system – making sure certain things work for a band that’s coming in later.


Eggs. Kale. English Muffins. Coffee. Vegan Breakfast Sausage.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Helping Modern Day Warrior practice some songs before their gig tomorrow.


Then back to the warehouse to fix some more things – Nigel also needed to get into the trailer.


Back home. Making Soup, Veggies, and Garlic Bread for dinner.

Watching True Detective.


Not feeling 100% still – taking it easy around the house.

Wednesday February 21 2024

Waking up at usual time.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


Meeting at warehouse to show Bart Cardea the ropes for his upcoming band rehearsal for his church band. Then, right after Doug shows up with his friend Brian to look at some gear of Nigel’s that he’s trying to sell.


Eggs. Kale. Bagel. Tempeh Bacon. Coffee


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Picking up some Bangkok Garden for dinner on the way to Nigel’s to meet with him and Ron about upcoming travel arrangements with ELO.


Then straight to Ladada band practice. Hanging with the boys jamming on some songs.



Watching True Detective.


Tuesday February 20 2024

Waking up like usual.


Cereal. Tea.


At the Rec working out and playing basketball.


Eggs. Kale. Bagel. Avocado. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Talks with Rebecca after work about all kinds of business and scheduling for the year.


Leftover Beef Pasta with Salad, Veggies, and Garlic Bread.

Watching stuff.


Catching up on computer stuff at home – chores.

Monday February 19 2024

Waking up around 11 or so. Having a hard time getting out of bed even though I feel well rested. Meanwhile, Elvis gives himself a bath.


Oatmeal. Tea.


Handling business at the computer. Then, errands. Installing this TV in the 104 space.


Eggs. Salad. Vegan Breakfast Sausage. English Muffin. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Afterwards, Rebecca and I talk in the 104 – catching up on the day. She gives me a ride to Target for some stuff I needed.


Beef Pasta with Tomatoes, Kale, Carrots, and Garlic Bread.

Watching Lover, Stalker, Killer (2024).


Catching up on chores and writing.


At the studio working on a few things then practicing piano.

Sunday February 18 2024

Waking up around 11 a.m.


Oatmeal. Tea.


At Music Makers all afternoon coaching MMLIVE bands with Jake and Rebecca’s help. Three different band rehearsals. Eating a PB&J Bagel with Coffee somewhere in there.


Afterwards, Rebecca and I grab some dinner at Old Beach Tavern – it’s always hit or miss getting food late on a Sunday but they’re one of the few places open.


Quick Elvis feeding then we return to the 104 space to do one of those dance workouts. These are a lot of fun – helping my body coordination and it’s a good way to spend time together. Awkward moment later on when I politely ask, “Can I steal a kiss?” and she says straight up no. I accept the boundary and kiss her on the cheek. Lately, things have been real different with her since the new year. A lot to unpack with my thoughts here but initially I feel rejected but I understand. I’m gonna take this one cultivating repairing step at a time.


Back home. Catching up on chores and stuff at the computer.


While at the computer I try to catch up on things. I also can’t stop analyzing things in my mind regarding how the dynamic has changed between her and I.



Saturday February 17 2024


Waking up around 11:15 a.m.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


Watching the front desk at Music Makers – dealing with payments, emails, etc. Mike stops by to tweak some stuff on my new guitar and talk shop.



Eggs. Spinach. English Muffins. Vegan Breakfast Sausage. Coffee.

Watching True Detective.




Working on taxes.


Later on, Rebecca and I make use of the 104 space – she’s been doing dance workouts as of late. I set up a TV, plug into the PA, and join her. It’s a lot of fun trying to coordinate my body to match the person on the video.


Back home. Making dinner for myself: Salmon, Chili, Bok Choy, Carrots, Onions, Quinoa, and Garlic Bread.

Watching True Detective.


Catching up on stuff.

Friday February 16 2024

Waking up about 11:40 a.m.


Oatmeal. Tea.


At the Rec exercising and shooting the basketball around.


Running errands – bank – Target – dealing with stuff at Music Makers.


Eggs. Tempeh Bacon. Avocado. Spinach. English Muffins. Coffee.


Working on stuff at the computer – emails – prepping to do taxes.


Stuff around the house.


Ramen in Chicken Bone Broth with Veggies and Garlic Bread.

Watching True Detective.


Chores. More stuff at the computer. But mostly lounging.

Thursday February 15 2024


I’m protecting a snail-like frog. My mission is to get it safely somewhere – discovering a fully blown ecosystem pond with little crevices where hermit crabs and lobsters stay hidden and cooped up. I place my creature onto a lily pad – it turns out to be two frogs as the littler one hops off the big one into the water.


Later on, people show up that I know – it’s understood I work with them. It’s also understood to be the end of the world, or something apocalyptic is about to happen. I start brooding and try to escape the sight of others – feeling angry I throw my fist into a wood door nearby.


Myah, one of my students is here for some reason – Brittany, teacher at Music Makers, appears out of nowhere inspecting for any suspicious behavior but discovers nothing. Then, she takes blood from Myah as if she was a nurse.


Now, Myah is driving us on the interstate – it feels like everyone on the road is evacuating the city. We witness a truck attached to a trailer (it’s completely backwards) – it disconnects and flips upside down. It causes a backup of traffic. Suddenly, everyone just gets out and sits on lawn chairs deciding to hang out and watch the world end. We’re still trying to move forward somewhere past all this nonsense.



Waking up at 11:35 a.m. from these vivid dreams.


Granola with Blueberries and Banana. Tea.


Staying at the computer working on business and things.




Eggs. Bagels. Spinach. Tempeh Bacon. Coffee. Avocado.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Afterwards, we have a business meeting with Addy, Rebecca, and I. Drumming up some new ideas to raise rates and come up with new ways to protect our teachers from cancelations. We talk for hours. I appreciate the two of them putting heads together and helping push things forward with the business.


Pasta, Salad, and Garlic Bread.

Watching True Detective.

Wednesday February 14 2024

Getting out of bed at 11:15 a.m.


Oatmeal. Tea.


At the Rec exercising and shooting the ball around.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffins. Tempeh Bacon. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Later on, Rebecca and I grab a Valentine’s Day dinner at Hearth, one of the few places open past 9. Thinking about the past I don’t think we ever did anything for Valentine’s ever – last year we were on tour. But it’s nice to be able to just hang out. We end up talking about work related things but also non-work stuff – our past travel stories and Irish lineage. While she enjoys an Espresso Amaretto I sip on an old-fashioned. Then, Pizza and Fries!


Later, we sip on tea and play with her cats. She ended up getting me the same brand chocolate bar I got. We hang out for a long time sharing funny videos and entertaining the cats.


Tuesday February 13 2024

9:30 a.m. Waking up earlier than usual.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


I drive the bus out to this shop in Newport News, Bill Smith’s Auto & Air. This is one of the only places that specializes in repairing our particular A/C system on the back of the bus. Mike gives me a lift back to VB.



Catching up on business.




Running errands.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Tempeh Bacon. Chips. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


Quick dinner: Bean Chili with Quinoa, Baby Broccoli, Carrots, and Garlic Bread.


Ladada band practice with Josiah and Bobby at Music Makers. Well, it turns into more of a meeting and discussion more than anything. Wes and Josiah are at odds.


Later on. I walk over to Rebecca’s to deliver a folding table – end up chatting for a long time while her cats run around.


Back home. Popcorn. Watching True Detective.

