Saturday February 10 2024

Waking up at 11:15 a.m.


Oatmeal with Blueberries. Tea.


At Music Makers watching the front desk and teaching a few lessons.



Running some errands – dropping off a keyboard to Alpha for repair.


Meeting with a guy at the warehouse – he’s looking for some particular cases to buy but no luck. I organize a few things here.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Tempeh Bacon. Chips. Coffee.

Watching Boy Erased (2018).


Working on some maintenance at the studio.


After putting on tomato sauce to simmer I link up with Rebecca – we go for a walk around the neighborhood. I wanted to get some things off my chest and talk about things between us. I’ve been feeling sad as of late. The air has that fresh after-rain scent to it. Circling up and down Reynard tackling some problems and stuff we haven’t discussed in a while.


Playing with her kitties Ambrose and Ewoyn.


Finally back home making Past with Salad and Garlic Bread for dinner.

Watching the third season of True Detective.

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