Sunday February 4 2024

The tour bus arrives at the warehouse in Virginia Beach earlier than expected – the quickest trip to Myrtle Beach and back ever.


Unloading the trailer and getting Rebecca and I back to Chanticleer with the bus.


Unpacking back in the house. I’m able to catch some good sleep till noon.


Oatmeal. Tea.


Coaching MMLIVE band rehearsals all afternoon with Rebecca and Jake’s help.

Coffee and a PB&J somewhere in between there.


They go by pretty painless and not too stressful. To keep the tempo slow for this one song I describe an analogy where the band is slogging through the desert while the drums blast the beats down.


Afterwards, cleaning up the spaces – meanwhile chatting with Rebecca for along while – reflecting on the weekend and all.


Back home. Warming up leftover dinner from the show (Chicken Bog).

Watching True Detective.


Catching up on work at the computer.


Ice Cream.

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