Monday March 4 2024

Waking up bright and early at 9:30 a.m.


Breakfast Bar. Tea.


Mike drives me out to Newport News to pick up the bus – much anticipated cause Bill at Bill Smith’s Auto has finally repaired the A/C! He’s probably the most knowledgeable out of everyone on this topic.



It’s raining consistently. Mike drives behind me while I take the bus through the Monitor Merrimac tunnel. At some point we hit a sudden traffic jam – an accident just occurred. It’s very early on cause we can hear the ambulances still trying to arrive on site. I manage to get waved off just in time before they shut down the interstate. Inching by I witness a man lying on his back completely out of it (probably dead) while two witnesses stand by looking very discouraged. His motorcycle nearby – looks like he rammed into a car.



This kind of stuff reminds you of how short life is. Cherish the moments and hold the people you love close.


Dropping the bus off at another shop to get some mechanical stuff done. Then, Mike takes us back to Hilltop.


Catching up on business.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffins. Tempeh Bacon. Coffee.


Teaching lessons at Music Makers.


In between over at the warehouse trying to let some renters in for a band practice – discovering the bottom knob somehow got locked. I call Mike to come use his old warehouse key. Getting the band settled in and everything.


Then, back to the studio to teach more. Afterwards, meeting with Rebecca and Addy to finalize our new handbook for upcoming policy and price changes. We meet for a long time until at least 11:30 but we manage to get a lot of the verbiage confirmed and agree on things.


Back home. Making dinner: Black Beans with Tuna, Quinoa, Salad, and Garlic Bread.

Watching Spaceman (2024).

Sunday March 3 2024

Literally spent the entire day at Music Makers coaching bands with Rebecca and Jake. Doing a teacher band rehearsal too which was fun.


At home I finish up some newsletter business and such.


Trying to get to sleep early.

Saturday March 2 2024


Waking up at 11:15 a.m.


Oatmeal. Tea.


At Music Makers watching the front desk. Jake has his usual lessons – meanwhile I work hard at the computer figuring out new things with the calendar system. Rebecca is next door teaching ballet and such. She drops in to help with a few things.


It’s a gorgeous day out – rained all the night before and now the sun is out – walking weather.


Eggs. Spinach. Bagel. Vegan Breakfast Sausage. Chips. Coffee.


Time to clean! I vacuum the living room, stairs, and everywhere. Then, running errands.


Playing with Elvis – chores.



Beef Pasta with Broccoli, Carrots, and Garlic Bread.



Working on Music Makers stuff at the computer – prepping a newsletter email.


Chilling out.

Friday March 1 2024

Waking up around noon.


Cereal. Tea.


I ride my bike to meet up with Mike at his place. He was supposed to give me a ride to the tour bus in Newport News but there was a delay on the repairs. So we end up just kicking it for a while – he shows me this GL bass he’s really stoked on.


Riding my bike back to Hilltop – stopping by Trek to have them fix my bike chain.


Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Tempeh Bacon. Coffee.


Later on, at Music Makers. Rebecca, Addy, and I have a cabinet meeting – talking more about the new policies and price changes we’re putting into effect next month.


Cleaning up the 104 space.


Dinner: Pasta with Salad and Garlic Bread.

Watching Code 8: Part II (2024).


Later on, I drop by Rebecca’s to hang. I had only intended to stay for a few minutes cause she said she had a headache and needed to drop to sleep right away. But we end up talking for a long time while the cats run around.


Chores. Stuff at the computer. Playing with Elvis.