Friday July 28 2023

Waking up late.


Cereal. Tea.


Finally finishing the gargantuan shelf in the storage room. Organizing all the bins and doing more cleaning.


Catching up on business at the computer.


PB&J. Coffee. Fruit.


Later on, Rebecca and I attend the Rich Theatre’s production of Beauty and the Beast Jr at Spring Branch Community Church. Alexa and Reese are in it. It’s cool seeing how this show works – they have really good costumes and set pieces – a really great size room with a good sound system. Although, some of the kid’s mics were gained way up and often distorted. But really well done.


Afterwards, we grab some dinner at Las Palmas. We choose the patio but to our dismay the chairs screech every time somebody moves them – it’s on par with the jet noise cause you can’t really talk over the horrid sound haha. Despite we get into some debates over the ELO band – things just aren’t looking good as far as money and the future of her involvement.


Back in the neighborhood playing with Elvis for a while, then I hang at her place – her cats are thoroughly entertaining.


Working on things at the house.

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