Waking up around noon.
Cereal. Tea.
I ride my bike to meet up with Mike at his place. He was supposed to give me a ride to the tour bus in Newport News but there was a delay on the repairs. So we end up just kicking it for a while – he shows me this GL bass he’s really stoked on.
Riding my bike back to Hilltop – stopping by Trek to have them fix my bike chain.
Eggs. Spinach. English Muffin. Tempeh Bacon. Coffee.
Later on, at Music Makers. Rebecca, Addy, and I have a cabinet meeting – talking more about the new policies and price changes we’re putting into effect next month.
Cleaning up the 104 space.
Dinner: Pasta with Salad and Garlic Bread.
Watching Code 8: Part II (2024).
Later on, I drop by Rebecca’s to hang. I had only intended to stay for a few minutes cause she said she had a headache and needed to drop to sleep right away. But we end up talking for a long time while the cats run around.
Chores. Stuff at the computer. Playing with Elvis.
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